Coverage index courtesy of WWW.newforeskin.biz
Foreskin restoration resource for Kiwis
Coverage index courtesy of WWW.newforeskin.biz
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948 adopted and proclaimed the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS; and
WHEREAS, said Declaration affirms to "strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance...;"
WHEREAS, Article 2 of said Declaration affirms that "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status;" and
WHEREAS, the practice of medically unnecessary surgical circumcisions, excisions and incisions on male and female genitalia that are conducted:
WHEREAS, other forms of male and female genital mutilation that are conducted as a matter of social and religious custom, e.g. as in "ritual rites of passage," constitute acts of "TORTURE (AND) CRUEL, INHUMAN OR DEGRADING TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT" within the language of Article 5 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and
WHEREAS, the above violations of Articles 2 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights frequently involves helpless newborns and adolescents—religious and social customs notwithstanding;
10: Condoms prevent AIDS, surgery does not. Most deceased US victims of AIDS were circumcised at birth. See also CBC Article.
9: Adults who've had it both ways say the foreskin is highly erogenous tissue. Circumcision removes about 20,000 specialized pleasure-receptive nerve endings, destroys the highly sensitive frenulum, and removes the wonderful frictionless rolling/gliding action of the normal penile skin system.
8: UTIs are more common in girls than in any group of boys, and are treated by medicine, not amputation.
7: 43,000 boys are mutilated for life for every case of penile cancer in an old man with poor hygiene, which has no relationship with intactness (penile cancer is as rare in Denmark where almost no one is cut as it is in the US where the majority are mutilated). MALE breast cancer kills more men than penile cancer does - so, what... we should cut off baby boys' breasts?.
6: About 80% of the world's men are intact. They have no special health problems or lack of partners.
5: Only an informed adult can morally consent to his own cosmetic surgery. It's risky - see complications. Infancy is truly the worst time to circumcise due to the scale of things, challenges of effective anesthesia, healing in fouled diapers, risk of healing/recovery side effects that the patient can't report, and of course since he can't give informed consent any non-emergency amputation is a gross human rights violation.
4: Over 100,000 men are enduring a multi-year restoration process; don't make your child a recovering amputee.
3: The Israel Medical Association gives this article which makes plain that there is no evidence linking cervical cancer specifically to the status of a woman's partner. Besides, now that an HPV vaccine has been developed, this issue has no bearing on infant genital integrity.
2: No national medical organization in the world recommends routine circumcision for any medical reason.
1: Foreskin feels really good, and it's HIS !
Meatal stenosis: The normal meatus (urinary opening) in an intact penis is a long slit. When the infant's penis is deprived of its protective foreskin, the meatus can become ulcerated (irritated) by urine, feces and abrasion from diapers. Ulceration can lead to stenosis (narrowing) of the meatus. If the stenosis is severe and impedes urination, a boy may need a meatotomy (surgical reopening of the meatus).
Bowing/curvature of the penis: Uneven removal of tissue during circumcision can cause skin to be tighter on one side of the penis than the other. Bowing or curvature during erection can result. Curvatures can also be congenital (from birth) or the result of Peyronie's Disease.
Skin tags: These are portions of the foreskin that remain after an uneven circumcision.
Hemorrhage, infection, penile amputation, gender reassignment and death are other self-evident forms of damage.