Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Skin bridge(s)

Skin bridge(s)

A skin bridge is tissue connecting the coronal ridge of the glans to the shaft of the penis. During erection and/or sexual activity, bridges can pull on the glans and be painful. A man can have one or several skin bridges of various lengths and widths. Some are flush with the penile surface, while others actually create a loop of skin through which one can insert a pencil. Skin bridges are a complication of infant circumcision and do not occur in adult circumcision, because infant circumcision requires the forced separation of the foreskin and glans. (Natural separation occurs between infancy and age 18.) Removing an infant's foreskin prior to its natural separation results in an exposed and raw glans, the coronal ridge of which can fuse with the raw skin edges of the penile shaft where the foreskin was cut. This fused tissue is what causes the bridge effect.

Circumcision Damage - Skin Bridge1 (33 KB) Circumcision Damage - Skin Bridge2 (5 KB)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i've been foreskinless since my parents were stupid
i never really thought much about with/without
but as a teen the tightness of my erections was painful
which made self or other stimulation painful or awkward...

i dont remember how i stumbled upon The concept of Restoring my foreskin
i did somehow stumble upon newforeskin.com
And the impact of the concept i could restore myself to my original biological condition
had me t taping within the day and tugging with a film canister by the end of the week
unfortunately the discomfort and sores from over exuberance slowed me to a crawl .
These photos were after 6 months .

In this Photo taken before i started tugger restoring you can clearly see;

  • The shine of the very tight skin on the end 1/3 of my shaft due to my being cut very tight.
  • The erection has pulled my testes up tight again due to the tight cut.
  • At this pre restoration stage i had no skin mobility on the shaft.

In this photo it is a bit deceptive because i am sitting not lying or standing however obviously ;
  • Testes are visible without shaft skin pulling scrotal skin up shaft
  • Foreskin bunches against back of head of the penis (when sitting)
then i got a TLC tugger and i was off again within a month i was amazed by the 'Glide'
however after 6 months i moved and lost the TLC in the move.

To be Continued..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why the Blog ?

To give some resources to those who are curious or contemplating restoring their foreskin to its natural state.
Some content may include human anatomy.
Hope we can help!