Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i've been foreskinless since my parents were stupid
i never really thought much about with/without
but as a teen the tightness of my erections was painful
which made self or other stimulation painful or awkward...

i dont remember how i stumbled upon The concept of Restoring my foreskin
i did somehow stumble upon
And the impact of the concept i could restore myself to my original biological condition
had me t taping within the day and tugging with a film canister by the end of the week
unfortunately the discomfort and sores from over exuberance slowed me to a crawl .
These photos were after 6 months .

In this Photo taken before i started tugger restoring you can clearly see;

  • The shine of the very tight skin on the end 1/3 of my shaft due to my being cut very tight.
  • The erection has pulled my testes up tight again due to the tight cut.
  • At this pre restoration stage i had no skin mobility on the shaft.

In this photo it is a bit deceptive because i am sitting not lying or standing however obviously ;
  • Testes are visible without shaft skin pulling scrotal skin up shaft
  • Foreskin bunches against back of head of the penis (when sitting)
then i got a TLC tugger and i was off again within a month i was amazed by the 'Glide'
however after 6 months i moved and lost the TLC in the move.

To be Continued..

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